Once you get to Undercity follow the road south until your in silver pine (remember this cause its how you're gonna get a nice blue ring in the Shadow Fang Keep Instance) Continue on the road until you see the road that turns west. Get the Zepplin in Orgimar and head to Under City. This one's a bit harder if you still in the barrens head east to ogrimar. Silverpine Forest: 29,29 (confirmed) - Right next to an air vent (great sea coords are 39,33) - Both coords are the same though In this case, the items should sparkle, but won't be marked on the map at all.īarrens: 56,8 (confirmed) - Center of pond

They're just objectives the only time you see the item marked with the yellow question mark is when you actually complete the quest (or at least the current step) at the item itself.

The items aren't marked on the map because you aren't turning the quest in to the items. You do not have to do this quest, but you can if you like.